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Reduce belly fat: Foods that support fat burning


Your new best friends

There are foods you shouldn't eat if you want to lose belly fat. In the chapter on eating habits you got to know them. But there's also food that helps you get rid of fat. The composition of these foods stimulates the metabolism, fills you up for a long time and makes you lose weight faster. So you can eat the following foods with a clear conscience.


Avocados aren't so popular for nothing. They are rich in vitamins and healthy fats and help you to be healthy and full. The linoleic acid (an unsaturated fatty acid) present in the avocado actively stimulates fat burning in the liver. Unfortunately, the avocado itself has relatively many calories, so it is best to combine it with low-fat foods.

Examples of ways you can prepare avocados are:

- in smoothie

- in a salad

- on toast (very tasty with hummus, salt and pepper)

- or simply for spooning

There are no limits to your imagination with avocados.


Broccoli is not only readily available almost all year round, it also helps to get rid of abdominal fat. The many vitamins and minerals in broccoli help the body to break down your fat. Broccoli has very few calories, so you don't have to watch how much of it you eat. The many dietary fibres ensure that you feel full for a long time. Broccoli is even said to help with cancer screening.

You can cook broccoli well and serve it with sauce. But you should be careful that the sauce does not destroy everything because it has too many calories. You can also prepare a vegetable casserole with wholemeal noodles or rice from it. By the way, you don't have to throw away the stalk of the broccoli, but you can cook it excellently and puree it to a soup.


Salad is always a good tip when it comes to losing weight. It is versatile, tasty and most ingredients have virtually no calories at all. Salad with vegetables has a lot of fiber and also salad is rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore lettuce can also actively accelerate fat burning.

If you decide to eat more salad from now on, it will definitely support your desire to get rid of your belly fat. It is especially good to eat the salad in the evening because you will automatically eat less in the evening. Lunchtime salad is of course also a good option if you don't have much time to eat. Another advantage is that you can bring it with you and have precise control over what you eat.

If you buy lettuce on the go, be careful not to use sugary or high-calorie dressings as they can ruin everything. Simply use vinegar and oil to give your salad more flavour and better absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins.


Paprika has a particularly high vitamin C content and therefore helps your body to get rid of your fat. In addition, red peppers taste slightly sweet, which is a good reason for many vegetable muffles to get here.

Paprika tastes very good raw. You can also spice up the taste with dips made from sour cream, mustard and a little honey, for example. These vegetables are ideal for eating in the afternoon, for example, as a snack between meals. It fills you up because of the fibre and because you have to chew it well, you also get something of it for a long time.

You can also make soup from paprika, for example together with tomatoes and some coconut milk.


Grapefruit are true vitamin C bombs. The sour fruits help to accelerate the burning of fat in the body and should therefore not be missing on your next shopping list.

If the fruit is too sour for you, there's a remedy. You shouldn't sprinkle sugar on it, because industrial sugar is unhealthy and it fuels insulin release - which makes you hungry and doesn't burn fat. Before you take its full effect with sugar, you'd better not eat grapefruit.

If she's just a little too angry for you, you can squeeze her out and mix her with oranges or apples. This will give you a wonderfully fresh juice to start the day off with. Grapefruit also does very well in smoothie.


Oats are particularly rich in dietary fibres and their vitamins and minerals also help to burn fat faster. It is also very versatile and you can enjoy it differently every day.

Possibilities to prepare oats are, for example:

- as a porridge with fruits (Simply mix a cup of oat flakes, a cup of milk and a cup of water, bring to the boil and refine with fruits)

- in muesli

- in bread

- as biscuits (a very simple biscuit recipe: mix a cup of oatmeal with a crushed banana, form the mixture into small biscuits and bake for ten minutes)

Oats are not only very versatile, but also extremely inexpensive and durable. This is especially helpful for those who do not have so much time for cooking and shopping.


Nuts have had a hard time standing for a long time because they are very rich in fat. But the fats in nuts are healthy, keep you full and help your body not to store extra fat. Because they can be perfectly transported and portioned, they are particularly suitable as snacks for in between meals.

Nuts can also be used in a completely different way:

- as nut roast (especially interesting for vegetarians)

- in a salad

- cooked with vegetables

You have a very wide choice of nuts. Above all walnuts, but also almonds and cashew kernels are very healthy and help against stomach fat. Nut blends with dried fruits are also a good snack for in between, but you have to be a little careful with the fruits, because the sugar content is particularly high here.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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