Читать книгу The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson - Страница 113

43. Step to boost your mindset for success: Stay flexible and adaptable


On the route to your goal, it is always necessary to adapt and optimize your own objectives to changes. Not everything always runs smoothly and exactly as we imagine it. External conditions or hurdles often require a rethinking, which requires a high degree of flexibility and a talent for improvisation. Stay flexible and adaptable. However, you should not lose sight of the actual goal. Understand changes as improvements and use the necessary changes to optimize your plan to achieve your goals. Those who see change as a threat will find it difficult to react flexibly and show with their fear that there is still room for development in terms of self-confidence. The ability to react flexibly and adaptably to new situations or changes is something we already learn in childhood, and since these experiences are not always positive, some people conclude that changes are a danger. However, changes as well as continuous development processes are an incontrovertible natural fact, from which these people or even animals and plants benefit, which are able to adapt adequately to the new or changed conditions and to outgrow themselves. Face your resistances and fears and get free. Adaptability and flexibility as well as other skills can be trained. Be aware of how many changes in your life, you in retrospect, have led to an improvement and trust that changes will always occur in your life in the future when you are about to optimize your life. Take advantage of the opportunities your life offers you and remain flexible by relying on yourself and your abilities. Strengthen your self-confidence by recalling how you have managed to master changes many times and let them become an improvement for you. Welcome change and stay open and curious about what's new in your life!

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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