Читать книгу The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson - Страница 112

42. Step to boost your mindset for success: Endurance and dedication are the prerequisites for your success


Your goal will only be attainable if you are already working overtime and a lot of work and have a persistent high level of commitment. For example, if you want to set up your own business with a new project, you have to put a lot of effort and invest a lot of time. You will only be able to do this if you want to make your dream come true at all costs. Therefore, only set yourself goals that you really want to achieve and for which you are absolutely prepared! An equally important aspect is the ability to be patient. Promote the realization of your goals, but also practice patience where necessary. This preserves your nerves and helps you to stay calm, even if not everything works immediately. The decisive factor here is your frustration tolerance, which means the ability to deal with frustration and defeat. This ability is not equally well developed in all people, but can be trained as well as the ability to be patient. People with a high tolerance for frustration can deal with setbacks and frustrations much better and usually also have much more patience, but also a fighting spirit and determination not to give up, but to try again and finally succeed. In order to increase your frustration tolerance and thus your endurance, you should always face situations that are rather unpleasant for you in order to carefully perceive the feeling of frustration and to endure it for a while. If you feel that you are losing patience, count on 10, breathe in and out consciously and deeply, and hold out until you reach 10 before you act. If you keep practicing this consciously, you will notice how you can be more and more patient and how your frustration tolerance is visibly increasing. With a high tolerance for frustration and the ability to be patient, you will be able to overcome obstacles and resistance with ease and get closer and closer to your goal step by step.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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