Читать книгу The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson - Страница 114

44. Step to boost your mindset for success: Stay authentic


In order to be successful in the long run, you should remain true to yourself. Only if you are authentic will you be perceived and appreciated as the person you really are! Do not bend to meet the needs and expectations of others. Masks fall short or long and make you unbelievable. Being authentic simply means being oneself and requires a clear picture of oneself, including our weaknesses and strengths, to which we can fully subscribe. Especially in today's world, which is full of perfection, show and facades, people are increasingly looking for the real and the original. But being authentic is not only about dressing and presenting yourself in your own style, it is also about your own values. Always act as you can and remain true to your values and principles. Do not sell yourself to be successful, because this only works in the short term, but never in the long term. Apart from that, others will perceive you much more positively and sympathetically if you remain human and keep as little behind with your weaknesses and mistakes as with your strengths and abilities. Stay with yourself and don't try to fulfil any expectations or even affectionately any roles that you are not at all. This only robs you of valuable energy, because it is very strenuous to play a role. But that is not necessary! You are just as right as you are! Stand by yourself because you are perfect in your imperfection. You should also keep in mind that being authentic does not always mean staying the same, because we too are constantly evolving and changing. To be authentic means much more to remain true to oneself, one's personality and principles and to be able to stand absolutely behind one's actions. Stay authentic and on the carpet when you succeed and realize that you become mentally stronger and stronger when you accept and love yourself as you are. You no longer derive your self-esteem from the recognition of others, but from your own strengths and your own personality and thus strengthen your independence from the opinions of others. Even criticism can then no longer harm you, because you can react constructively to criticism with a strong self-confidence and a pronounced authenticity, also on your part, without grasping it personally. Say goodbye to the idea of having to please everyone, and first and foremost make yourself right by finally accepting and acknowledging yourself as you are with all your positive and negative sides, with all your strengths and your shortcomings, because that is you and you are wonderful just as you are! This makes you unique and valuable, because nobody is like you. Enrich the world with your uniqueness and don't try to rank yourself in a multitude of copies and play the role you are expected to play. Whoever manages to free himself and simply be himself and live it feels like a great burden and a lot of head cinema falls away from him. How free and with how much joy you can live if you don't have to worry about what others think about you all the time. Stay true to yourself and make yourself happy and be surprised how many people like you exactly as you are.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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