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8. Measure for more self-confidence: Declare war on your fears


Fears are a very sensitive issue and therefore I mention right at the beginning of this section that no counsellor can replace therapy. Especially not a short guide. This chapter is intended to gain more courage and self- confidence, but is not intended to combat serious phobias or anxiety disorders. However, the information you will find below may help you to gain a new understanding of fear and to get a firm grip on many things you are afraid of.

Hardly anything inhibits us as much as our fears. Who is little self-confident, has also no strong confidence in itself. Those who do not trust themselves face only a few challenges. Those who face only a few challenges and rarely experience success become anxious. For example, we are afraid of confrontations with other people or everyday challenges, such as exams or high demands at work. Sometimes it is also light phobias that make life difficult for us, such as the fear of insects, elevators or large crowds of people. Individually, these fears may seem harmless, but as they add up, the pressure they exert increases. They limit everyday life and rob us of our self- confidence. It's time to do something about it!

Any fear can be overcome. Maybe it's hard for you to believe that right now, but it is. If a fear can develop in you, it can also disappear again. Depending on their severity, this may of course take longer and require more action, but it is possible. You don't have to settle for any of your fears. It is helpful to take a look at what fear actually is. Basically, fear is a thought of something that has not (yet) happened and may never happen. For example, you are not afraid of an elevator itself, but of being trapped in it. However, it's not said that the elevator will get stuck after you get in. In the same way we are afraid of wild animals, because we don't want to get hurt. As a rule, however, these animals are completely harmless and would never harm us. The same principle applies even before difficult tests. We are afraid of not being up to the task. In reality, however, we do not yet know what we will be facing in concrete terms. Only when the time has come can we assess the situation and, in most cases, we find that all fears and worries were unfounded.

From this point of view, fears are therefore false assumptions that have become fixed in the subconscious due to negative experiences of the past. To combat them, there is only one proven means: to face them and prove to yourself that the feared bad scenario will not happen. Our subconscious needs solid evidence to change its beliefs. In plain language, this means that if you ride in an elevator and don't get stuck in it, you're scratching the wrong assumption you've had so far. If you then repeat this again, you will once again prove to your subconscious mind the opposite of its previous conviction. You automatically start rethinking and questioning your fear.

This principle works with all fears, even the most serious ones. In the case of deep-seated anxiety disorders and phobias, however, they should ideally be combated with professional support. After all, they can cause severe symptoms in us. However, you can tackle the less severe fears yourself.

Always remember: The fact that something in the past was not particularly positive does not mean that it always has to be that way. Once you have fainted in the midst of a crowd, you will not have to fear crowds in the future. It will most likely not happen to you again. This is exactly what we need to prove to ourselves. Face your fears and show yourself that they are unfounded. The resulting successes will give you a feeling of elation. They will regain more confidence in themselves. Their courage will be rewarded.

To face one's fears is an excellent method to strengthen self-confidence and self-love. If you are still hesitant and don't feel confident about it, seek the support of a person you can trust completely. Over time, you will become safer and no longer need help.

Be courageous and face the challenges you would otherwise avoid. After all, it's all about your self-confidence and your quality of life. It is your life and therefore you yourself decide how you feel. It's entirely up to you.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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