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10. Measure for more self-confidence: Promote your strengths and talents


There is one idiom that, while terribly counterproductive, is still used by most people. It's, "Self-praise stinks." You have certainly heard or even said this before and you have certainly encountered this "wisdom" for the first time in your childhood. Now I'd like to ask you two interesting questions: How can one be proud of oneself and one's abilities and develop a healthy self-confidence if one grows up with the principle that self-praise is a bad quality? And is it still surprising that most people derive their self-esteem from confirmation by others when they have learned that self-praise is not an option? As you can see, we are not doing ourselves any favours with the truism mentioned at the beginning. Self-praise doesn't stink. On the contrary. It is very good for the self-confidence to deal with one's strengths and talents.

You live your own life and are responsible for it. Accordingly, you yourself should also be the source of your appreciation and encouragement. If you need the praise of others to feel good, make yourself addicted. They distance themselves from themselves and are externally controlled, i.e. anything but self-confident. Therefore you should deal with your strengths. What are you particularly good at? What can you be proud of? What's your talent for? What skills or special expertise have you acquired over the last few years? How often is this used in your everyday life? Do you profit from it? Or are you afraid to take advantage of it because self-praise supposedly stinks?

Life is short. That makes it all the more important to spend your time doing what you really like to do. This is not a privilege reserved for a few or "special" people. It's simply your right, so make use of it. Do not fear the thought of making an arrogant impression if you are convinced of yourself and your possibilities. If you didn't talk about anything else all day long and rub it under your fellow human beings' noses permanently, it would probably really stink. As long as this is not the case, however, you can be completely unconcerned. Anyway, you don't care what anybody else thinks about you. We have already seen this a number of times. As the saying goes: A lion is not interested in what the sheep think about him. As a self-confident person you recognize the high value of your self- perception. The image that you have of yourself is much more important than the image that you may give to the outside world. So go ahead, be proud of yourself and what you're particularly good at. Take advantage of it as often as possible in your everyday life.

As a rule, we are particularly good at the things we like to do. If you invest your full passion, attention and energy into a thing or a project, something good comes out of it. Something to be proud of. You'll admire yourself for it. It will strengthen your self-confidence as you gain new insights about abilities. The resulting success will strengthen your self-confidence and the feeling of happiness will ignite your self-love. All you can do is win.

Whether you play an instrument, build something with your hands, play a particular sport or write a book is entirely up to you. If you're not sure what your passion or talent is right now, get adventurous and try a lot of things. You do this until you have found something that you really enjoy and that fills you with satisfaction. Such a simple thing can do a lot for us and our self-confidence. Do not underestimate this effect.

Never forget that self-praise doesn't stink. If you're not proud of yourself, then who is? Do you want to constantly wait for the confirmation of others and hope that someone will perceive you or simply provide for more self- confidence yourself?

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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