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With these 12 basics you are now well equipped to strengthen your self-confidence


The topic "self-confidence" is very, very extensive and could still be carried out forever. However, as this is a short guide, we will leave it at the basics and measures mentioned so far. What you have experienced may seem very simple in places, but that doesn't make it any less effective. The theory is easy to understand. What most people find difficult is the practical implementation. So be brave and open-minded. Don't underestimate the great effect of simple things. The participants of my coaching are always amazed at how quickly they achieve positive results if they get involved with the simple basics. All you have to do is be brave and take the first step.

With what you have learned in this guide, you can certainly build and develop a solid self-confidence. To make this easier for you and to refresh your memory a little, I will summarize briefly and crisply what we have discussed before:

1. You only trust people you really know, so you should get to know yourself better. Deal with your interests, wishes, strengths and weaknesses. Expand your awareness of yourself in the truest sense of the word.

2. Stop trying to please others and start to please yourself. Realize that you are responsible for all progress in your life and that it does not matter what others might think about you. In this way, what you actually want will come to the fore again.

3. Leave the nest of habits, people and activities that you have built up around yourself. The key to your happiness and self-confidence lies outside your comfort zone. If all this were within this range, you wouldn't have to search for it.

4. Take care of your body, because you have only this one. It is directly linked to your self-confidence because you identify with it. The better you are in shape, the more proud you are of yourself, your performance and your appearance. The more you pay attention to your health, the more you value yourself.

5. Smile as often as you can to infect other people and get positive confirmation. Recognize how good you look and strengthen your self-love. Always find a reason to be frolicsome and happy. So life can be enjoyed much more easily.

6. Learn to say no. Do not let your fellow human beings put you in unpleasant situations. If you concentrate only on what the others want, what you want will fade into the background. You're losing your confidence. So say "no" and invest your time and other resources in your own interests to get back to yourself.

7. Don't play roles in everyday life, so don't fool anyone. Especially not yourself. If you are dishonest to yourself, you are acting contrary to your true nature and thus moving away from your self-confidence. They rob themselves and others of the chance to discover the unique and special about them. Stand by yourself and always be yourself.

8. Free yourself from your fears. Do not let this restrict you in your everyday life. It may not always be easy, but it's worth it. As soon as you have the necessary courage, your self-confidence will grow with immediate effect. You will find the strength to overcome even more hurdles.

9. Get rid of what you've been putting off for a long time. No matter whether these are outstanding conversations with fellow human beings or unfinished tasks. A self-confident person always gets clarity about his life. By "tidying up" and doing things on hold, you learn to trust each other more. In the future, you'll think to yourself, "It's half as wild. I've done worse than this."

10. Promote your strengths and talents. Life is short, so why spend it on things you don't like? Do not believe in obsolete slogans, such as: "Self-praise stinks." If you don't believe in yourself, then who does? Why pretend modesty when you could have such a good time doing what you passionately love? It's good for your self- confidence!

11. Stop comparing yourself to others. It doesn't change anything in your life and it doesn't get you anywhere. Instead, discover your uniqueness and enjoy it. What really matters is what happens in your life. The more attentive and open-minded you are, the more self-confident (in the truest sense of the word) you will be.

12. Go on a treasure hunt in your life. Be proud of all the good you have already done and achieved. Feel gratitude for everything that cannot be taken for granted. This way you will feel more satisfied immediately. You are proud of yourself and increase your self-esteem.

You are now well equipped to strengthen your self-confidence. Be open-minded and energetic, then you can only win!

Closing Remarks

It's amazing: we pay attention to so many unimportant things while neglecting ourselves. We ourselves are the most important person in our lives. If we really want to love others, we must first love ourselves. If we want to help others, we must first be able to help ourselves. If we want to give others good advice, we first have to follow it ourselves. Everything good in life begins with and with ourselves. That is why self-confidence is the central key to personality development. I hope that this guide has improved your understanding of this issue and will help you in the future to develop more self-confidence, self-confidence and self-love.

Of course, not everything you read was entirely new to you. It doesn't matter. It is important to summarise the right information in a way that is easy to understand and compact. I hope that I have succeeded. If you want to become more confident, you will have to deal with the simple things and basics. There are no secret tricks, even if some "gurus" like to say so. The further development of your personality is a very honest and logical process that requires patience, open-mindedness and positive thinking. Since you have read carefully up to this point, I am convinced that you have these qualities.

Finally, I wish you much joy and success in developing your self-confidence. Getting to know yourself better is not only incredibly exciting, but also very rewarding. With every step forward you will become happier and more satisfied. I am happy for you and wish you all the best.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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