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11. Measure for more self-confidence: Stop comparing yourself


We are always busy comparing ourselves with others. If we see the new car of a neighbour, we immediately ask ourselves whether it is better than our own. If we see the new hairstyle of a colleague, we compare her appearance directly with our own. If someone tells us about his net income, we compare it directly with what he receives in his own account. What do you spontaneously think of at this point? In which situations do you compare yourself with others?

Often we're jealous, too, without wanting it. It's not a bad thing, it's perfectly natural. We see a beautiful, big house and wish we would live in it ourselves. We see an extremely successful athlete and want to be able to do the same as he is. We hear about the professional success of a friend and are annoyed about not having chosen the same path. Then we compare all this with our own lives and become dissatisfied. It is a comparison in which we can only lose, because as a rule we only compare ourselves with people who are in a "better" situation. For those who would be jealous of us, we have little or no attention.

Self-confidence is about being mindful of one's own life. If, however, we are constantly busy concentrating on the successes and progresses of our fellow human beings, we move away from our own lives and thus from ourselves. There is an alienation again, which weakens the self-confidence and thus also the self-confidence. What can we logically do about it? Right, we just stop comparing ourselves to others. Here are some useful information that will help you:

Always remember that every person is unique. Everyone has their own individual background story. Everyone has different ideas about life, different abilities, talents and perhaps also a completely different attitude towards success. Basically, it doesn't matter what others do because it doesn't change what you do with yourself and your life. At most, it helps to peer over someone else's shoulder from time to time and thus gain a bit of motivation. That's all it is. What changes other people's successes in your own?

In addition, you should always ask yourself whether what you envy about others would really fit into your life. The wealthy businessman probably worked extremely hard for years, took incalculable risks and had to sacrifice a lot to get this far. Would you want that too? In the same way, the successful athlete has to train every day in order to maintain his performance level. He has an exceptionally strict diet plan and has to plan his day hard so that his body is always capable of peak performance. Would you like some? And even the banal things have their downsides. The big new house in your neighbourhood is certainly very beautiful, but would you like to clean it, take care of the garden and bear all the costs?

Even if you don't envy someone, but just compare them to yourself, don't do yourself a favor. No matter what the outcome of this comparison! You should derive your self-confidence and self-esteem from yourself, not from the fact of looking better than others or being more successful. You are unique, so also be unique. Everyone else already exists. That you are in your skin is a great privilege! Make the most of it.

Comparison with others costs time and energy. It also causes worries, anger and headaches from time to time. Save all that. Just stand by yourself and do your own thing. So you will also find yourself with absolute certainty. Be proud of the person you are. If there is something else in your life that you want to change or improve out of your own drive, you can do it. No one's stopping you. However, the motive behind it should not be to become "better" than others or to create what others have already done before you. Your motive should be to become happier, more balanced and more self-confident.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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