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4. Measure for more self-confidence: Cultivate what is unique


Warren Buffet is probably the most famous investor and one of the financially wealthiest people in the world. When asked about the secrets of his success at his major shareholder meetings, he likes to tell the story of the genie in the bottle and the car. She goes like this:

Imagine being 18 years old again. During a walk you will meet a genie in a bottle. He says: "Since you have found me, I will grant you a wish. I'll give you a car of your choice, no matter how expensive it costs. You can choose which one you want. The whole thing has a little catch, though: it'll be the only car you'll ever drive. You can't sell it or trade it for another. There will always be this one. So choose wisely and make a good decision." They think for a while and weigh different factors. Finally you make a choice and share your decision with the genie in the bottle. He nods briefly, disappears and where he was before, there is now the brand new car that you have wished for. You are pleased, but you also know that you will have to handle it responsibly in the future. After all, it should accompany you all your life. So take good care of it. They wash it regularly, fill it up with the best fuels, do not miss any maintenance and do not stress it beyond its limits. In addition, you can have even the smallest damage repaired immediately. In this way, you will make sure that this one car will remain loyal to you all your life and that you will always enjoy it.

This story is a symbol that should open our eyes. The irony behind this is that we would be willing to maintain a car impeccably just because we know that we can never get another. However, we often neglect our own body, although it is much more important and truly unique. It is not a desired object from a story, but actually our most important tool to cope with everyday life. Your body is the home of your consciousness or your soul. Since you identify with your body when you look in the mirror, it is directly related to your self-confidence.

This is not just about aesthetics, personal taste or pleasing others. It's about feeling good in your skin. It's about health and personal satisfaction. If you are dissatisfied with your health or the shape of your body, this will also have a negative effect on your self-confidence. But you like to look in the mirror, you like to identify with what you see. You are proud of yourself and thus strengthen your self-acceptance and self-confidence.

Your body is a status symbol. You can't buy, steal or win a beautifully shaped body in a lottery. You'll have to do something about it yourself. This simple fact is firmly anchored in the subconscious of every human being. Therefore, when you see a sporty person, you automatically know that he or she is a disciplined, persevering and self-loving person. Accordingly, you can trigger all this in yourself by living a healthy and sporty life. The goal here is not to impress others. The goal is to impress yourself and to convey a positive feeling. Start looking in the mirror with pleasure. If you are dissatisfied with your current form, do something about it. Start being proud of yourself and your progress. What's stopping you now?

Your body is unique and more important than any material possession. Look after him accordingly. Eat a healthy diet and exercise sufficiently. Better health ensures more vitality and joie de vivre. This in turn increases your self- confidence and self-confidence. Always remember: your body is not a dream item that you have received from a genie in a bottle, but your real companion throughout your whole life. It is directly linked to your quality of life. In view of this, can it really be too strenuous to do sport now and then or to refrain from unhealthy temptations?

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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