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5. Measure for more self-confidence: Smile!


Yes, there we have again one of these banal tips, how one knows them from the advisor industry. Don't you worry. I don't recommend laughing yoga and I won't advise you to walk through your neighborhood laughing out loud. No, I just want to show you that great results do not always require great deeds. Often it is also the little things in which the great potential lies. So smile often! What's the matter with you? It's simple:

Imagine your normal everyday life. They meet hundreds of people a day, sometimes even thousands. All these people pass you by without attracting your attention. There are only a few exceptions and these only occur when someone looks particularly good or smiles at you. Think about it. If you don't interact with anyone, a visit to the supermarket is as boring as ever. However, if the lady or gentleman at the checkout gives you a friendly smile, your mood suddenly rises. You will remember the moment with pleasure even later. That's because we're attracted to smiling people. We are powerless against it, because it is anchored in our subconscious. We combine a cheerful and warm smile with something positive. So we find smiling people particularly attractive, sympathetic and attractive. What do you think makes people smile in photos? Right, because there's no way to look any better. Your smile reveals your personal chocolate side.

Now you may be wondering what this has to do with your self-confidence. A good question! In general, laughter and smiles are about happiness, contentment, happiness hormones, etc. In our special context, however, it is about the effect on others! If you look at another person expressionlessly, he will either not perceive you or look back unkindly. But if you smile at a stranger, he will be happy and will smile as well. It's an unwritten law. You suddenly receive positive feedback from the reactions of your fellow human beings, which increases your self- esteem.

Yeah, we've already dealt with the fact that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks about you. It is. Nevertheless, we can use confirmation by others as a tool to increase our self-esteem. We just shouldn't make it depend on it!

Many people have a weak self-confidence because they do not consider themselves attractive. It comes just in time to get a smile every now and then and to have the feeling of being desired. But that smile won't come to you on its own. As a positive thinking person, it is your job to take the first step. You're also doing something good. It can mean a lot to a stranger to get a smile when he is having a bad day or generally going through a difficult time. It costs you nothing and gives you something very positive back. So why wouldn't you?

Get used to smiling more often. Irrespective of your self-confidence, this will also lead to positive improvements in many other areas of your life. By the way, it also strengthens self-love to see yourself smiling in the mirror.

Try it out. Do not practice an artificial smile to advertise for toothpaste. Smile warmly and sincerely. See how much better and more attractive you suddenly look. Be proud of your reflection. After all, you only have this one.

On some days we find it difficult to think positively and smile. Therefore I would like to give you a small, very effective tip on the way: Trick your brain every now and then! Go to a place where you are all alone and force a smile for about a full minute. Seriously. Seriously. Just pull the corners of your mouth apart. By straining the facial muscles, your brain will think that you are smiling and have a reason to be happy. That's why it'll release happiness hormones. You don't think so? Try it out! You'll be amazed.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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