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9. Measure for more self-confidence: Do what you have been missing for a long time


What unpleasant things are you putting off? Are they simple matters, such as household chores, that you have long wanted to take care of, but for which you cannot overcome? Is it perhaps something more serious, such as unpaid bills and unopened letters? Or are you perhaps avoiding other people with whom you should have a proper pronunciation? Whatever it is, postponements damage our self-confidence. They cause blockages and fears in us. The longer we shy away from taking responsibility for an unpleasant thing or situation, the heavier the burden becomes on our shoulders and in the back of our heads.

Being confident also means not putting things off. A self-confident person has sufficient confidence in himself to face every situation and challenge. You build all this up by starting to catch up piece by piece on what has been pushed open. Of course it takes more or less courage and overcoming in the beginning, but it is also rewarded in the end. Every little sense of achievement strengthens your confidence in yourself. Furthermore, the successes expand your awareness of your abilities. They get used to acting positively, success-oriented and self-confidently. Of course this will not escape your subconscious mind and so in time it will become normal for you to grab things right by the hair before they become unpleasant.

Look at it this way: You can't avoid things of conscience forever anyway. Sooner or later, you will have to complete certain tasks. You must face up to your fears and face the people with whom you still urgently want to talk about something. In the end, you have to take care of it anyway, so why not now? The longer you wait, the more damage you will suffer. Whether this is financial, social or emotional damage does not make much difference to us. What is certain is that you must act.

When we repress something or push it further and further into the background, inner blockages and emotional sensitivity arise. It's like sweeping dirt under the carpet to stop seeing it. Out of sight, out of mind. This may work well for a moment, but it becomes a problem in the long run. At some point you just have to tap on the metaphorical carpet and a whole avalanche breaks out. It's exactly the same with your mind. At some point you react so sensitively to certain topics that you introduce avoidance tactics and take real detours during conversations in order not to be confronted with the repressed from the back of your head. This behavior does not fit a self-confident person. It robs you of confidence in yourself and gives you the unpleasant feeling of being weak.

Get rid of it. Take a moment to think about what you're putting off. Go ahead and make a small list. No one needs to see her, just do it for yourself. Then think about the following two suggestions:

- What negative consequences can I expect if I don't deal with them promptly?

- I'm gonna have to deal with this sooner or later anyway. So I'd better do it now before it gets any worse.

In order to build healthy self-confidence, you need to know each other first and foremost. Remember that? So you need to know exactly what's bothering you. Then you must earn your own trust. You do this by showing courage and finally getting the ball rolling. Take on what you were afraid of so far. The resulting relief will give you a wonderful feeling. You'll know who gave you that elation: Himself. And already you are a bit more self-confident again!

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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