Читать книгу The Leader Lab - Tania Luna - Страница 42

Three of the Biggest Reasons Managers Benefit from Deblurring 1. Deblurring Prevents Miscommunication Faster


Blur words lead to misunderstandings of all shapes and sizes. Consider the experience of Sara, who got a frantic email from her manager (let's call him Sam). It went something like this: “Sara, the client needs the report by EOD. It's really time sensitive. Can you make it happen?”

The email came in at around 4 p.m. Sara knew the report would take hours to compile, and she had dinner plans with her cousin who was in town for just one night. Sara had been looking forward to dinner, but she was eager to make a good impression on Sam. So, she sighed, called her cousin to cancel, and spent the next four hours preparing the report. By the time she was finished, she was exhausted and hungry but proud. That is until she got fired the next morning. It turned out that neither Sam nor Sara Deblurred those three dangerous letters: EOD. To Sara, EOD meant End of her workday. To Sam and the client, EOD meant the end of the business day (5 p.m.). To this day, Sara shudders whenever someone uses that acronym.

The Leader Lab

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