Читать книгу Vegetable Kitchen - Bernhard Long - Страница 77

Raspberry Souffle


Serves 4 meals

400 grams Raspberry (refrigerated)

500 milliliters of milk

2 tablespoons cornstarch

80 grams of sugar

1 vanilla pod

2 eggs (size M)

The preparation sequence

The strength with little milk until smooth.

Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise in half, scrape out the seeds and put together with the remaining milk to a boil, stir in the stirred strength and bring to a boil again, put to one side and remove the vanilla pod.

Beat the eggs with the sugar white foamy, fold into the cooled milk mass and distributed in 4 ramekins.

Sprinkle the Frozen raspberries and about in the heated, preheated oven at 180 ° C so the. 20-30 minutes Bake Serve in the ramekins

Vegetable Kitchen

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