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Epstein, Mikhail N. (1995). After the Future. The Paradoxes of Postmodernism and Contemporary Russian Culture. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Epstein, Mikhail N. (1999). “The Dialectics of Hyper”. I Mikhail Epstein (red.) m.fl., Russian Postmodernism – New Perspectives on Post-Soviet Culture. New York: Berghahn Books, 3-31.

Jerofejev, Viktor (1990). “Pominki po sovetskoj literature”. I Literaturnaja gazeta, 4.07.90, nr. 27, 8.

Kelly, Catriona mfl. (1998). “Introduction: Why Cultural Studies?”. I Kelly Catriona og David Shepherd (red.), Russian Cultural Studies – An Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 1-17.

Lenin, Vladimir (1905). “Partiets organisering og partiets litteratur” (“Partijnaja organizatsija i partijnaja literatura”). Citeret fra Eigil Steffensen (1973), Nyere russisk litteraturkritik – Fra Plechanov til Lotman. Odense: Munksgaard.

Lipovetsky, Mark (1999). Russian Postmodernist Fiction – Dialogue with Chaos. (Red. af Eliot Borenstein). London: M.E.Sharpe.

Nabokov, Vladimir (1981). “Russian Writers, Censors, and Readers”. I Fredson Bowe (red.), Lectures on Russian Literature. Florida: Harvest Books, 1-13.

Shneidman, N.N. (1995). Russian Literature, 1988-1994, The End of an Era. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press Inc.

Zelinskij, Kornelij (1991). “Odna vstretja u M. Gorkogo (Zapis iz dnevnika)”. I Voprosy Literatury, 5/1991, 144-170.

Sjaelens ingenicrer

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