Читать книгу Los Desafíos Jurídicos de la Transición Energética - Isabel González Ríos - Страница 25



The Polish economy is still based largely on fossil fuel-based generation sources. The developmental problems and challenges identified so far in Poland have been overlaid by the direct effects of the pandemic, which has brought serious losses, new threats, and intensification of the existing problems in the functioning of the economy. In view of constantly rising prices of the CO2 emission allowances and the necessity of incurring significant modernisation and investment expenditures, this situation is not favourable for the domestic industry (including especially energy-intensive industry) and household consumers. In addition to the progressive elimination of coal-fired capacity from the national electricity system and the closure of unprofitable coal and lignite mines, decarbonization should be associated with the need to provide new sources of energy. Investments in low- and zero-carbon energy sources are therefore crucial, including primarily increasing the use of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power, as well as providing for them flexible back-up capacity.

The Polish path, due to the continuous reliance of the economy on fossil fuels, social concerns related to the transition away from hard coal and lignite, but also years of negligence, can undoubtedly be an interesting and challenging one.

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Los Desafíos Jurídicos de la Transición Energética

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