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Ham Potato Salad with mountain cheese


Ingredients for 6 meals

1.5 kilograms boiling potatoes

Salt and pepper from the mill

1 large spoon of sugar

3 leeks onions

1 vessel, container, glass (370 ml) gherkins

250 grams of mountain cheese (piece)

2 small apples (e.g. Cox Orange)

1 large spoon medium strong mustard

10 large spoon fruit vinegar

6 large spoon sunflower oil

160 grams of Black Forest ham (Windows)

The preparation process

Peel potatoes in water to clean and depending on the size of two halves of a crush or districts. In boiling salted water to around. 20 minutes of cooking. Leeks onions in water cleaning, clean and rings in crush. Gherkins in a sieve and drain. Gherkins in washers crush. Cheese in so. 1 centimeter cubes crush. Apples in water to clean, neighborhoods, core and districts. District in fine columns chopping.

For the salad sauce mustard, 6 large spoon vinegar, 1 large spoon of sugar, salt and pepper from the mill, mix. Oil including beat. Salt and pepper from the mill, heavy tastes. With leeks onions and apples columns mix. Drain potatoes, drain well. With 4 large spoon vinegar douse and in closed cup swing. Potatoes around. 30 minutes to cool . Slices of ham in wide strips crush. All mix and bring to the table.

Winter Cuisine

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